World king 是由一群專業且資深的電信背景人員與高科技電子工程師共同成立的旅遊卡服務公司,因為彼此喜歡出國旅遊且國外公務出差頻繁,常需要使用漫遊或者上網卡,但卻常在市面上難以決擇,價格高低已不代表品質是否穩定。在一次好友們一起出遊日本的家庭旅遊中,好友們達成共識,承諾彼此貢獻專業與技術,為商務旅遊市場以『誠信、品質、服務』為前提,打造適合旅客以及商務客的旅遊卡產品。取名World King 則是因為專業及技術能涵蓋全球並期許做到消費者心中的第一!
鑑於市面上很多價格與品質不對等的產品,以及無客服諮詢服務的商家,造成消費者出遊時無法順利使用的困擾。World King希望提供價格與品質兼顧的上網卡服務,且能提供消費者問題諮詢服務,讓消費者外出旅遊下機就可拍照打卡發社群及商務溝通報平安,增加更好的旅遊以及出行體驗。
The first recommended brand for international travel SIM cards, World King.Our international travel SIM cards directly collaborate with telecom operators from nearly 90% of countries, offering high-speed and high-quality internet services.
World King is a travel card service company founded by a group of professional and experienced individuals with backgrounds in telecommunications and high-tech electronic engineering. Due to their shared passion for international travel and frequent business trips abroad, they often found themselves in need of roaming or internet cards but struggled to find reliable options in the market. Price alone no longer represented the stability of the product’s quality. During a family trip to Japan, the group of friends reached a consensus and made a commitment to contribute their expertise and technology to create travel card products for both leisure and business travelers, with “integrity, quality, and service” as their guiding principles in the corporate travel market. The name World King was chosen to reflect their expertise and technical capabilities that span the globe, aspiring to become the number one choice in consumers’ hearts.
Due to the mismatch between price and quality in many products available on the market, as well as the lack of customer service consultation provided by some businesses, consumers face difficulties in smoothly using their services while traveling. World King aims to provide internet card services that balance both price and quality, while also offering consumer consultation services. This enables consumers to immediately share photos, check-in on social media, and communicate for business purposes upon arrival at their travel destinations, enhancing their overall travel and commuting experience.
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